Sanitary Actuators

Sanitary Actuators

SIMPLE SV-11 Sanitary Actuators are made up of IL-TOP unit, C-TOP unit, Pneumatic Actuators, Electric Actuators and Diaphragm Actuators for intelligent and automatic valve control.

IL-TOP (Positioner), Round Type, Intelligent Control

Reference: SV-11-IR
Function: locating valve position by setting a value, 4-20mA input signal and the 4-20mA output signal feedback.
Signal Input (standard): 0/4-20mA, 0-5/10V

IL-TOP (Positioner), Square Type, Intelligent Control

Reference: SV-11-IS
Function: locating valve position by setting a value, 4-20mA input signal and the 4-20mA output signal feedback.
Signal Input (standard): 0/4-20mA, 0-5/10V

C-TOP Control Module, Displacement Version

Reference: SV-11-C
Function: (1 or 2) 24-volt solenoid valve and (1) inductive sensor for valve position control (on-off)
Signal: Analog signal (4-20mA) or electrical signal (24VDC)

MINI C-TOP Control Module, Displacement Version

Reference: SV-11-MC
Function: (1 or 2) 24-volt solenoid valve and (1) inductive sensor for valve position control (on-off)
Signal: Analog signal (4-20mA) or electrical signal (24VDC)

Stainless Steel Pneumatic Actuator, 304SS, Vertical Type

Reference: SV-11-VA
Function: air operated to control valves
Shell material: 304SS, vertical type

Aluminum Pneumatic Actuator, Horizontal Type

Reference: SV-11-HA
Function: air operated to control valves
Shell material: aluminum, horizontal type

Electric Actuator, 220/110VAC/24VDC

Reference: SV-11-E
Function: electric operated to control valves
Shell material: aluminum, horizontal type

Diaphragm Pneumatic Actuator

Reference: SV-11-DA
Function: The acuator has lower height and can withstand higher pressure, it is ideal for cut-off valves to aviod water-hammer. It can also be installed with IL-TOP (positioner) for intelligent control.